Travel Industry

The travel and tourism industry today is one of the most affected industries by digital development. The travel and accommodation industry is one of the first ones to use digital marketing techniques in their practices to engage communities and make sure their clients have the best possible getaways.

To perform well and gain competitive benefits, players in the travel industry are always looking for the greatest and unique ways to reach their buyer persona and tailor their offering to their target audience.

Today, we all have desktop computers, laptops, mobile devices, etc, and have easy access to information for all aspects of the tourist industry from accommodation, travel, to food and activities, effective digital marketing is the best way to reach a large audience in a quick way at a lower cost.

With the help of different digital marketing channels, more and more customers are being served online especially via tablet devices and smartphones. Travel online marketing can go viral for any given audience with the help of article, audio, email, and video.

  • Increased Number of Mobile Users

    More than 78% of business travelers use a smartphone during the trip planning process and 67% of people do online research before making any decision relating to travel. This shows more and more people are accessing the internet via their phones and this makes it all the more important to have a responsive website.

    In order to make the traveling process easy for the target audience, many travel professionals, hotel owners, and travel agents have turned to digital marketing agencies. With the shift from traditional methods of planning to digital marketing strategies (for making reservations, purchases, and booking online), more and more travel & related companies are leveraging digital marketing to quickly and effectively reach their target audience. Thus, easing the process of digital marketing for travel agencies.

  • Social Media Replaces Traditional Communication

Undoubtedly, digital marketing is revolutionizing the travel and tourism industry. Social media marketing has already replaced a large section of traditional communication. For example, if we are traveling somewhere, we have a tendency to look at the pictures, reviews are written by people, and other Twitter or Vimeo posts.

With this, we have reached a new interactive era where travel industries can take advantage of social media networking tools to promote the business at low cost, attracting visitors, and generate the interest of the public.

Various ways & strategies for tourism online marketing
The online marketing business has introduced plentiful online marketing networks which help sellers to aim the exact or potential customers and pull them towards the goods or services being marketed.
Establishing user friendly website
A good user handy website, which can provide them facility to proper customization, can definitely push them to purchase services offered by you rather than your competitors. The website should be fast & safe as well as full of contents and should be friendly to mobile because the major role for traffic generation on website is coming from the mobile gadgets. Website should be optimized as per the Google standard to rank in search engine pages, so going for the SEO is very important and business have to go for this.
Email marketing
The most beneficial, proven and trustworthy form of internet marketing is e-mail marketing. Email marketing is very useful promote products or services while developing relationships with potential customers or clients. It gives us a direct line to existing, past and potential customers. Email marketing can include newsletters with updates on the company, or promotions of sales and exclusive deals for subscribers. In this context tourism organization should have to adopt strategies for this and have to regularly keep in touch with customer through e-mails & newsletters.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is presently a very popular and attractive way of internet marketing. In affiliate marketing there are normally three main parties involved: the owner of the product or service, the affiliate marketer and the consumer of the product or services. The affiliate marketer promotes the products or services on the behalf of owner.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing has become one of the most important and essential forms of internet marketing. Whether we want to sell products, market services, raise awareness for our brand Social media marketing is a great device to use. Single most famous types of online marketing is social media marketing. The development of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and many other platforms playing a vital role for online marketing. Tourism organizations have to look for this social media platform for creation of good presence in the market and have to think out of the box to reach the target audience.
PPC (pay per click)
Pay-per-click refers to paid advertisements and promoted search engine results. This is a short-term form of digital marketing, meaning that once you are no longer paying, the ad no longer exists Pay-per-click can refer to the advertisements you see at the top and sides of a page of search results, the ads you see while browsing the web, ads before YouTube videos and in ads in mobile apps. So the organizations that are providing tourism services will have to go for PPC for short term for enhancing the sales from where the potential customers can be generated.
Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing, is the act of using paid strategies to increase search visibility. With SEM, brands pay for ads to appear as search results on search engine results pages. Search engine marketing, is the strategy of using paid advertising to get our website to appear on the first page of the search engine results pages. It becomes crucial for the tourism organization to look for this tool and have to make proper actionable planned decision for the same which can provide them good benefit.
Influence Marketing
Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers–individuals who have a dedicated social following and are viewed as experts within their niche. Influencer marketing usages persons with huge online spread careful authorities by your target marketplace to drive traffic and deals. Influencer marketing involves a brand collaborating with an online influencer to market one of its products or services.
Future trends for online tourism marketing
Technological changes are dynamic in nature whatever is newer today will become older tomorrow. Hence adaptation of the latest technology is very essential for surviving in the market in this context here are also some latest future trends associated with online tourism marketing.
Video marketing tourism business organizations can prepare some of the videos reflecting the experience a customer can have. It can excite the customer’s desire for visiting the destination as soon as possible.
Content marketing – its rising but not new, here we have to think from customers point of view and have to prepare useful and informative content further deliver it to the customer. Content Marketing is way of providing these content to the customer at the exact time that they may need it.